Have you ever wished you could play Zombicide, Mansions of Madness or your favourite miniatures game, but it feature a mini of YOU as the protagonist? Or maybe you want a mini of you in your LARP/Cosplay outfit for D&D/RPGs?
Well now’s your chance!
In the spirit of the festive season I’m going to 3D scan one lucky gamer, and print out a 28mm miniature of them* to incorporate into their favourite game!
Before starting Tabletop Tribe I worked in Visual Effects for almost 20 years, spending most of my time 3D scanning people, props and places for Film & TV.

Although largely retired from that now, I still own the kit I used to scan walkers for World War Z, werewolves for Wolfman and wizards for Harry Potter. So I thought I’d dust it off to give a lucky gamer the chance to have themselves immortalised!
Not only that, but I’ll call in some favours from my industry buddies to get the scan printed out at 28mm scale using cutting edge 3D printing tech, which should retain every bit of detail from the original scan.

Now, before you get too excited, there’s a caveat: this offer is only open to attendees of Tabletop Tribe’s Island of Insanity 2019 Gaming Retreat, so if you were on the fence about attending, perhaps this will be just the thing to push you over the edge!
If this is the first you’ve heard about our island gaming getaway in 2019, then check out this recent article, and if it sounds like your cup of tea then get on over to the bookings page and sign up for the gaming madness.

The winner will be selected by prize draw on the final night of the island retreat, with the scan carried out at mutual convenience during 2019. Considering the limited tickets available, your chances are pretty good!
[UPDATE: Thanks to some baggage concessions from the helicopter flight manager, we’ll now be able to take to the island the very handheld 3D scanner featured in the title image above.
So not only will the scan be carried out on the island, I’m also going to scan EVERYONE’S head and give them the data!
Head scans can be added to any number of kitted-out-for-adventure 3D bodies available online… or be used to create a huge bust milled out of marble for the back garden!]
This is a rare opportunity to get professionally 3D scanned like a movie star. If you wanted this done commercially it would cost over twice the price of attending our gaming retreat, so what are you waiting for?
And even if you don’t win the scan and print, you don’t want to miss out on this unique island gaming experience!

Remember, you have to be an Island of Insanity attendee to be eligible for this opportunity, and there’s very little time left to secure a ticket, so get in there quick to avoid appointment.
*The lucky individual will also get the 3D data file to print themselves out at any scale, any time they like!