What are the exact times and dates of the event?
Attendees will meet at the heliport at around 9.30am on the morning of Monday 7th March, and should arrive on the island by midday. They will arrive back on the mainland by around noon on Friday 11th March.
How much does the event cost per person?
TBC, but the average cost per person (depending on ticket/room type) will be no more than £350 GBP.
Is the event only open to UK citizens?
No way! We’d love to have you wherever you hail from!
Is the event only open to Tabletop Tribe members?
Tabletop Tribe subscribers (in the sidebar) and followers on our Facebook page will get first refusal on any event we run, after which we’ll be happy to offer places to anyone else.
Where in the UK will the helicopter depart from?
Hartland Point Heliport, Devon.
Have you run these events before?
We’ve been travelling to the island for a private yearly gaming retreat for almost 20 years, with parties ranging in size from 10 to 25 gamers. In 2019 we ran the first ticketed event, with great success, followed up the following year with a slightly larger, even more well-received venture.
Is catering included?
Not at this time. There is a tavern on the island with a fairly extensive menu at normal pub prices. There is also a shop for those that wish to make use of their property’s comprehensive self-catering facilities. We will provide tea and coffee-making facilities in both The Mansion and The Barn.
What is the accommodation?
The first dozen attendees will be accommodated in a thematic Victorian mansion, nestled in its own valley on the island (roughly 5-10 minutes walk from the tavern and shop) which will also be the main gaming location for the weekend.
Additional attendees who either missed out on a room in the Mansion or are on a tighter budget will be accommodated in The Barn in one of two dormitories.
I’ve never flown in a helicopter before! Is it scary?
The helicopter is operated by Castle Air, and normally flown by ex-armed services pilots, meaning you are in excellent hands. The journey usually only takes around 6-7 minutes and is taken at a very sedate pace.
There will be mandatory full flight safety briefing on the morning of departure from both the mainland and island.
Do I have to book my own helicopter?
No. We’ll do it for you and the ticket (outward bound and return) is included in the event ticket price.
Is the helicopter ever delayed?
Only in the event of heavy fog or very high winds. Although very, very rare you should make contingency plans for delays as you would with any other flight. We have contingencies in place for delays on the outbound leg, and we’ll make sure you’re catered for with games whatever the delays!
Is there a luggage limit?
Yes. Luggage is restricted to 10kg per person, with each part of 5kg extra charged at £5. Maximum weight for a single piece of luggage is 15kg. You may also take a small bag in the helicopter with you (like a camera bag, handbag or small rucksack).
What sort of clothes and shoes do I need to bring with me?
This will depend on whether you intend to explore the island, (and we would strongly recommend that you do!). You should bring sturdy footwear (preferably walking boots with good ankle support), and warm layered clothing. The island has its own micro-climate so may be much warmer or colder than the mainland, so layers will give you the best options.
What other things do I need to bring?
We’ll publish a full suggested kit list closer to the time, but so long as you have sensible clothing, your wallet and your helicopter ticket you’re pretty much good to go! However, the island’s generator does turn off at midnight, so bringing a head-torch is very advisable! There’s something to be said for Call of Cthulhu sessions by candlelight though…
Do I need to bring games with me?
We will be providing a wide array of Lovecraftian games to enjoy. However you are more than welcome to bring your own games if you have space in your luggage! We’ll also be bringing some Piratical/Vikings games in case you suffer from Lovecraft overload!
Can I play non-Cthulhu games?
You’re welcome to play any games you like with your friends and fellow travellers at the Tavern, but we’ll only be allowing Lovecraft entertainment in the Mansion and would appreciate you keeping with the spirit of the event whilst there. We’ll be looking to run more general gaming retreats at other UK locations in the future!
Sea Raider games (Pirates/Vikings etc) will be going on in The Barn, and again we’re looking to keep the theme intact at that location.
What are the prices like at the tavern?
They’re very much in line with the mainland – if anything they’re a little cheaper.
Is the shop well-stocked?
Incredibly well for its size. However if you have any specific dietary requirements we would need to give them notice to order the necessary supplies.
Are the properties warm?
The properties have granite walls a foot thick, and are usually heated by a combination of radiators and solid fuel stove (coal and kindling for each property will be provided). Keep the fire tended and they’re very cosy!
The Mansion can be a little draughty until the fire is lit, especially with folk coming in and out, so pack a jumper/fleece just if you feel the cold.
The Barn has perhaps the greatest open fire on the island and is one of the greatest places to find yourself after a long walk in brisk wind!
What happens if someone slips and injures themselves? What if Shoggoths attack??
If you need to be taken off the island for a medical emergency, then a Coast Guard Sea King helicopter will be scrambled to evacuate you to hospital.
I’m a little nervous of wandering around a remote island on my own…
Don’t worry! We’ve been travelling to the island for years and will be arranging guided tours of our own each day. The island’s warden usually organises a nature walk on the Sunday too. You’re welcome to explore on your own, but we’d insist on attendees only exploring in pairs. This is a rugged location and you should treat it with respect due!
Will there be any Cthulhu LARP organised?
At this time there are no plans for this, mostly due to the logistics of taking props/costumes out to the island when there’s limited luggage space. However, we’ll gauge demand at this year’s event, and maybe plan one for the future?
Will you be running Achtung Cthulhu! miniature skirmish games?
Due to space/weight restrictions it’s unlikely that we’ll bring one, although we do intend on perhaps bringing Shadows over Normandie, using the same setting.
I’ve heard you did 3D scanning of attendees on previous events and turned them into miniatures. Can I get scanned and printed?
We originally intended to scan and print just one lucky attendee. As it was with the ale flowing on the final night we ended up doing three full body scans and a few head/shoulder bust, which were then all printed a week or so after the event.
However, we have no plans to offer this again unless there is a great demand, and unfortunatley we would have to charge for the service.
Any further questions? Drop us a line using the form below and we’ll get straight back to you, and usually update the FAQ with your query for the benefit of others.